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Reframing Art

How is the art world changing? Six people, six statements. Compiled by Bettina Krause in the stilwerk magazine “ReFraming”.

I would like to see more realness in the art world, even if it hurts everyone involved. Kristina Schuldt, painter

The art of the future will continue to speak a universal language that many people can access without speaking the same language. The artistic reflection of our world and society will become increasingly important as a parallel level.”
Rosa Barba, video artist

“The art market has so far been a conservative industry with progressive content, but in recent years there has been a spirit of optimism like never before. This is due, among other things, to the switch to online activities, rising inflation and the fact that collectors have spent more time at home during the pandemic and so their awareness of art has become even greater . People are just beginning to understand the usefulness of NFTs in terms of digital art, but also fractional ownership. This trend will accelerate in the future.”
Johann König, gallery owner

"In times like these, when many things seem incomprehensible, we need the voices of artists more than ever. They get involved, question, take up current topics and open up new perspectives. The role of art as a mediator for society continue to gain in importance."
Maike Cruse, director of Gallery Weekend Berlin

“An essential dimension of art that distinguishes it from other, more empirically oriented sciences is the recognition of the constructive power of doubt and uncertainty. This is important because society today faces not only the colossal threat of Earth system collapse in the form of the climate crisis, but also a crisis of imagination. The openness inherent in art - the willingness to go beyond social boundaries and create unusual connections - can be seen as a tool for overcoming the immense and abstract challenges that lie before us.
Julian Charrière, artist

“Future-oriented art wants to have a direct impact on society, not just behind museum walls. She is politically and socially committed, focuses on diversity and tries to be open to everyone.”

Elke Buhr Editor-in-Chief of Monopol Magazine

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